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Attitude and selection behavior of individual mutual fund investors in Nepal / Mansun K.C
Title : Attitude and selection behavior of individual mutual fund investors in Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: Mansun K.C, Author Publication Date: 2016 Pagination: 72p. Size: GRP/Thesis Accompanying material: 5/B General note: Including bibilography Languages : English Descriptors: Mutual funds
NepalClass number: 332.632 Abstract: Financial markets are constantly becoming more efficient by providing more promising solutions to the investors. Being part of financial market mutual funds industry is responding very fast by understanding the dynamics of investor‟s perception towards rewards. They are continuously following this race in their endeavor to differentiate their products responding to sudden changes in the economy (Walia & Kiran, 2009). Mutual funds provide an option of investing without getting loss in the complexities. Most importantly, mutual funds provide risk diversifications among the primary tenets of portfolio management. Majority of the investors are not necessarily well qualified to apply the theories of portfolio structuring to their holdings and hence would be better off leaving the job to a professional. The basic needs which an investor tries to fulfill through the investment includes security of original capital, wealth accumulation, comfort factor, tax efficiency, life cover, income, simplicity and ease of withdrawal (Ajaz& Gupta, 2012). Sinday & Zanvar (2010) analyzed the effect of demographic factors on investor‟s level of risk tolerance regarding the choice of investment. The result of the study showed that demographic factors of investors such as age, educational qualification, income level, effect the investor‟s level of risk tolerance.Chetan & Sharma (2014) examined the awareness among the investor community in choosing the best mutual fund scheme. Study showed that sufficient amount of information about mutual funds is not available publicly. The result shows that age and income level are negatively related to favorable attitude towards mutual fund. From above discussions, it can be concluded that studies devoted to attitude and selection behavior of individual mutual fund investors are of greater significance. It has become imperative to study mutual funds from a different angle, i.e., to focus on investor‟s expectations and uncover the unidentified parameters that account for their dissatisfaction. Taking a lead from this, an attempt is also made to find out the important mutual fund product attributes that are essential to influence the purchases decision of the investors.
The major objective of the study is to analyze the investor‟s perception towards mutual fund. The other specific objectives are to evaluate the awareness level of investor regarding mutual fund, to examine the investment pattern with respect to demographic variables like age, gender, education level and income level, to find out the factors individual investor consider in investment choices of mutual fund schemes, to analyze factors investor values in forming favorable attitude toward mutual fund.
All the data required for this analytical study has been obtained mainly from primary sources. To reduce the complexity of data responses questionnaire were distributed, among those investors only who had prior experience of mutual fund investment. Besides, an effort has also been made to describe factors and other demographic characteristics of an individual investor contributes to selection behavior of mutual fund schemes in Nepal consisting of 165 respondents taken from 8 investment banks, 3 brokerage firms and 2 independent research and management firms. The questions were asked in the form of Likert scale questions. The Likert scale questions of different variables were measured in 5 point scale. The study has identified three factors which reflect investor‟s favorable attitude towards MF, and in selection behavior of different MF schemes. Among them the most important is monetary and financial factor, Information and image factor followed by market awareness if individual investors.Majority of investors i.e. 40.6 percent confident in their abilities, 57 percent take full charge of their investment decision, 58.2 percent have specific acquired investment skills and 52.1percent have knowledge about the how capital market works and how to reap benefit through transactions. Majority of respondents (43 percent) are partially aware about mutual fund investment, 23 percent of respondent are only aware about their invested particular fund schemes. The first preferred factor that is responsible for investment in mutual fund is return potential, second ranked factor is affordability, third diversification, fourth professional management and final and fifth rank is liquidity. The study concludes that financial factor, market awareness factor, Information and image factor, age, occupation, qualification and annual income of investor have significant effect over forming favorable attitude of investor towards mutual fund and in selection behavior mutual fund schemes. The major conclusion of the study is that increase in age of the investors leads to decrease in the investment in mutual fund. Similarly, better the monetary and financial position of the investors, favorable would be the attitudes towards investment in mutual fund. Likewise, good market information also leads to favorable attitudes towards mutual fund investors. The study also shows that market related information condition have positive relationship with favorable attitude towards investment in mutual fund which indicates that the information condition about mutual fund will encourage investors to demonstrated favorable attitude and willingness to invest in different fund schemes.Attitude and selection behavior of individual mutual fund investors in Nepal [printed text] / Mansun K.C, Author . - 2016 . - 72p. ; GRP/Thesis + 5/B.
Including bibilography
Languages : English
Descriptors: Mutual funds
NepalClass number: 332.632 Abstract: Financial markets are constantly becoming more efficient by providing more promising solutions to the investors. Being part of financial market mutual funds industry is responding very fast by understanding the dynamics of investor‟s perception towards rewards. They are continuously following this race in their endeavor to differentiate their products responding to sudden changes in the economy (Walia & Kiran, 2009). Mutual funds provide an option of investing without getting loss in the complexities. Most importantly, mutual funds provide risk diversifications among the primary tenets of portfolio management. Majority of the investors are not necessarily well qualified to apply the theories of portfolio structuring to their holdings and hence would be better off leaving the job to a professional. The basic needs which an investor tries to fulfill through the investment includes security of original capital, wealth accumulation, comfort factor, tax efficiency, life cover, income, simplicity and ease of withdrawal (Ajaz& Gupta, 2012). Sinday & Zanvar (2010) analyzed the effect of demographic factors on investor‟s level of risk tolerance regarding the choice of investment. The result of the study showed that demographic factors of investors such as age, educational qualification, income level, effect the investor‟s level of risk tolerance.Chetan & Sharma (2014) examined the awareness among the investor community in choosing the best mutual fund scheme. Study showed that sufficient amount of information about mutual funds is not available publicly. The result shows that age and income level are negatively related to favorable attitude towards mutual fund. From above discussions, it can be concluded that studies devoted to attitude and selection behavior of individual mutual fund investors are of greater significance. It has become imperative to study mutual funds from a different angle, i.e., to focus on investor‟s expectations and uncover the unidentified parameters that account for their dissatisfaction. Taking a lead from this, an attempt is also made to find out the important mutual fund product attributes that are essential to influence the purchases decision of the investors.
The major objective of the study is to analyze the investor‟s perception towards mutual fund. The other specific objectives are to evaluate the awareness level of investor regarding mutual fund, to examine the investment pattern with respect to demographic variables like age, gender, education level and income level, to find out the factors individual investor consider in investment choices of mutual fund schemes, to analyze factors investor values in forming favorable attitude toward mutual fund.
All the data required for this analytical study has been obtained mainly from primary sources. To reduce the complexity of data responses questionnaire were distributed, among those investors only who had prior experience of mutual fund investment. Besides, an effort has also been made to describe factors and other demographic characteristics of an individual investor contributes to selection behavior of mutual fund schemes in Nepal consisting of 165 respondents taken from 8 investment banks, 3 brokerage firms and 2 independent research and management firms. The questions were asked in the form of Likert scale questions. The Likert scale questions of different variables were measured in 5 point scale. The study has identified three factors which reflect investor‟s favorable attitude towards MF, and in selection behavior of different MF schemes. Among them the most important is monetary and financial factor, Information and image factor followed by market awareness if individual investors.Majority of investors i.e. 40.6 percent confident in their abilities, 57 percent take full charge of their investment decision, 58.2 percent have specific acquired investment skills and 52.1percent have knowledge about the how capital market works and how to reap benefit through transactions. Majority of respondents (43 percent) are partially aware about mutual fund investment, 23 percent of respondent are only aware about their invested particular fund schemes. The first preferred factor that is responsible for investment in mutual fund is return potential, second ranked factor is affordability, third diversification, fourth professional management and final and fifth rank is liquidity. The study concludes that financial factor, market awareness factor, Information and image factor, age, occupation, qualification and annual income of investor have significant effect over forming favorable attitude of investor towards mutual fund and in selection behavior mutual fund schemes. The major conclusion of the study is that increase in age of the investors leads to decrease in the investment in mutual fund. Similarly, better the monetary and financial position of the investors, favorable would be the attitudes towards investment in mutual fund. Likewise, good market information also leads to favorable attitudes towards mutual fund investors. The study also shows that market related information condition have positive relationship with favorable attitude towards investment in mutual fund which indicates that the information condition about mutual fund will encourage investors to demonstrated favorable attitude and willingness to invest in different fund schemes.Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 241/D 332.632 KCM Thesis/Dissertation Uniglobe Library Social Sciences Available Contribution of commercial banks in economic growth of Nepal / Priyanka Siwakoti
Title : Contribution of commercial banks in economic growth of Nepal Material Type: printed text Authors: Priyanka Siwakoti, Author Publication Date: 2014 Pagination: 84p. Size: GRP/Thesis Accompanying material: 2/B General note: Including bibliography Languages : English Descriptors: Banks
Banks and banking
Economic development
NepalKeywords: 'economic growth commercial bank bank bank and banking economic development nepal' Class number: 338.9 Contribution of commercial banks in economic growth of Nepal [printed text] / Priyanka Siwakoti, Author . - 2014 . - 84p. ; GRP/Thesis + 2/B.
Including bibliography
Languages : English
Descriptors: Banks
Banks and banking
Economic development
NepalKeywords: 'economic growth commercial bank bank bank and banking economic development nepal' Class number: 338.9 Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 34/D 338.9 SIW Thesis/Dissertation Uniglobe Library Social Sciences Available Corporate culture and firm performance: a case of Nepalese commercial banks / Kavina Shrestha
Title : Corporate culture and firm performance: a case of Nepalese commercial banks Material Type: printed text Authors: Kavina Shrestha, Author Publication Date: 2014 Pagination: 94p. Size: GRP/Thesis Accompanying material: 2/B General note: Including bibliography
Languages : English Descriptors: Banks
Banks and banking
Commercial banks
Corporate culture
PerformanceKeywords: 'corporate culture performance commercial banks bank and banking banks Nepal' Class number: 658.4 Abstract: From the past few years, it has been seen that Nepalese commercial banks are playing a significant role in the economic development of a country. There are numerous empirical evidences of developed countries that corporate culture has significant impact on the improving the performance of commercial banks. However, despite of several empirical evidences, corporate culture and bank performance issues are still unsolved in context of Nepalese banking industry. So, determining the strength of corporate culture as well as its impact on the performance of commercial banks has always been a crucial issue for every Nepalese commercial bank. Therefore, this study attempts to identify the determinants of corporate culture and its impact on the performance of Nepalese commercial banks.
This study attempts to evaluate the performance of Nepalese commercial banks from growth, cost and profit perspectives. Similarly, this study also considered various dimensions of corporate culture such as involvement, consistency, adaptability and mission in order to measure culture of Nepalese commercial banks. Based, on Denison Organizational Culture Survey (DOCS), this study used cultural strength index as the proxy for corporate culture in order to link culture and performance of Nepalese commercial banks.
The study was based on both primary and secondary sources of data. Altogether, 17 commercial banks which were established before 2002/03, was taken as the sample for the study. This study used methods such as descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, and regression analysis in order to analyze secondary data. Likewise, primary data was analyzed by using percentage frequency distribution.
The study concludes that one year lagged volume of loan, credit risk, age of the bank, capital and one year lagged capital are the most dominant variables that have significant impact on performance of commercial banks in Nepal as measured by volume of loan from growth perspective. Likewise, from the perspective of cost, one year lagged cost to income ratio, operating income and one year lagged operating income are the most dominant variables that have significant impact on performance of Nepalese commercial banks. Similarly, one year lagged net interest margin, cash reserve ratio, total assets, one year lagged total assets, inflation rate and one year lagged growth rate of gross domestic product are the most dominant variables that have significant impact on performance of commercial banks as measured by net interest margin from the perspective of profit. This study also concluded that culture of bank has no impact on performance of commercial banks because there is no sufficient evidence to prove that culture of bank does have impact on performance of commercial banks.
Likewise, the primary survey results indicate that involvement is the most important factor for maintaining strong culture in the bank followed by consistency, adaptability and mission. The study also concluded that strong culture have more impact on performance level of the employees. Finally, the study also concluded that strong culture motivates the employees as well as enhances coordination and control.
Based on the findings and conclusions the study recommends that commercial banks should focus on minimizing their credit risk as well as increase their volume of capital in order to increase the volume of loan. The study also suggested that commercial banks should maintain higher operating income and cash reserve ratio in order to improve their performance.The study also recommended that commercial banks should allow employees at all levels of the banks to engage in pursuit of the mission and work in a collaborative manner to fulfill bank’s objectives. Finally, the study also recommended that commercial banks should focus mainly on improving the competitive culture that emphasizes values relating to demanding goals, competitive advantage, marketing superiority and profits because it is the most important type of culture in commercial banks.
Corporate culture and firm performance: a case of Nepalese commercial banks [printed text] / Kavina Shrestha, Author . - 2014 . - 94p. ; GRP/Thesis + 2/B.
Including bibliography
Languages : English
Descriptors: Banks
Banks and banking
Commercial banks
Corporate culture
PerformanceKeywords: 'corporate culture performance commercial banks bank and banking banks Nepal' Class number: 658.4 Abstract: From the past few years, it has been seen that Nepalese commercial banks are playing a significant role in the economic development of a country. There are numerous empirical evidences of developed countries that corporate culture has significant impact on the improving the performance of commercial banks. However, despite of several empirical evidences, corporate culture and bank performance issues are still unsolved in context of Nepalese banking industry. So, determining the strength of corporate culture as well as its impact on the performance of commercial banks has always been a crucial issue for every Nepalese commercial bank. Therefore, this study attempts to identify the determinants of corporate culture and its impact on the performance of Nepalese commercial banks.
This study attempts to evaluate the performance of Nepalese commercial banks from growth, cost and profit perspectives. Similarly, this study also considered various dimensions of corporate culture such as involvement, consistency, adaptability and mission in order to measure culture of Nepalese commercial banks. Based, on Denison Organizational Culture Survey (DOCS), this study used cultural strength index as the proxy for corporate culture in order to link culture and performance of Nepalese commercial banks.
The study was based on both primary and secondary sources of data. Altogether, 17 commercial banks which were established before 2002/03, was taken as the sample for the study. This study used methods such as descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, and regression analysis in order to analyze secondary data. Likewise, primary data was analyzed by using percentage frequency distribution.
The study concludes that one year lagged volume of loan, credit risk, age of the bank, capital and one year lagged capital are the most dominant variables that have significant impact on performance of commercial banks in Nepal as measured by volume of loan from growth perspective. Likewise, from the perspective of cost, one year lagged cost to income ratio, operating income and one year lagged operating income are the most dominant variables that have significant impact on performance of Nepalese commercial banks. Similarly, one year lagged net interest margin, cash reserve ratio, total assets, one year lagged total assets, inflation rate and one year lagged growth rate of gross domestic product are the most dominant variables that have significant impact on performance of commercial banks as measured by net interest margin from the perspective of profit. This study also concluded that culture of bank has no impact on performance of commercial banks because there is no sufficient evidence to prove that culture of bank does have impact on performance of commercial banks.
Likewise, the primary survey results indicate that involvement is the most important factor for maintaining strong culture in the bank followed by consistency, adaptability and mission. The study also concluded that strong culture have more impact on performance level of the employees. Finally, the study also concluded that strong culture motivates the employees as well as enhances coordination and control.
Based on the findings and conclusions the study recommends that commercial banks should focus on minimizing their credit risk as well as increase their volume of capital in order to increase the volume of loan. The study also suggested that commercial banks should maintain higher operating income and cash reserve ratio in order to improve their performance.The study also recommended that commercial banks should allow employees at all levels of the banks to engage in pursuit of the mission and work in a collaborative manner to fulfill bank’s objectives. Finally, the study also recommended that commercial banks should focus mainly on improving the competitive culture that emphasizes values relating to demanding goals, competitive advantage, marketing superiority and profits because it is the most important type of culture in commercial banks.
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 64/D 658.4 SHR Thesis/Dissertation Uniglobe Library Technology Available Corporate governance structure and performance of Nepalese banks / Bibek Khadgi
Title : Corporate governance structure and performance of Nepalese banks Material Type: printed text Authors: Bibek Khadgi, Author Publication Date: 2013 Pagination: 143p. Size: GRP/Thesis Accompanying material: 1/B Languages : English Descriptors: Banks
Banks and banking
Bibek Khadgi
Business planning
Commercial banks
Corporate governance
NepalKeywords: 'bibek Khadgi corporate governance business planning corparate banks commercial bank bibek khadgi nepal' Class number: 338.6 Corporate governance structure and performance of Nepalese banks [printed text] / Bibek Khadgi, Author . - 2013 . - 143p. ; GRP/Thesis + 1/B.
Languages : EnglishHold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 12/D 338.6 KHA Thesis/Dissertation Uniglobe Library Social Sciences Available Customer's attitudes towards internet banking service: evidence from Nepalese commercial banks / Puspana Kafle
Title : Customer's attitudes towards internet banking service: evidence from Nepalese commercial banks Material Type: printed text Authors: Puspana Kafle, Author Publication Date: 2012 Pagination: 80p. Size: GRP/Thesis Accompanying material: 1/B General note: Including bibliography
Languages : English Descriptors: Bank marketing
Banks and banking
Commercial banks
Direct marketing
NepalKeywords: 'consumers attitudes bank marketing banks banks and banking commercial banks nepal puspana kafle' Class number: 332.106 Customer's attitudes towards internet banking service: evidence from Nepalese commercial banks [printed text] / Puspana Kafle, Author . - 2012 . - 80p. ; GRP/Thesis + 1/B.
Including bibliography
Languages : EnglishHold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 11/D 332.106 KAF Thesis/Dissertation Uniglobe Library Social Sciences Not for loan Customer satisfaction with Internet banking services: evidence from Nepalese commercial banks / Rupa Maharjan
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