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Analysis of non-performing assets of Nepalese commercial banks / Shristi Acharya
Title : Analysis of non-performing assets of Nepalese commercial banks Material Type: printed text Authors: Shristi Acharya, Author Publication Date: 2013 Pagination: 137p. Size: GRP/Thesis Accompanying material: 1/B Languages : English Descriptors: Banks and banking
Commercial banks
Ratio analysisKeywords: 'banks and banking non-performing assets Nepal commercial banking total ratio assets loan advances' Class number: 332.109 Analysis of non-performing assets of Nepalese commercial banks [printed text] / Shristi Acharya, Author . - 2013 . - 137p. ; GRP/Thesis + 1/B.
Languages : English
Descriptors: Banks and banking
Commercial banks
Ratio analysisKeywords: 'banks and banking non-performing assets Nepal commercial banking total ratio assets loan advances' Class number: 332.109 Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 28/D 332.109 ACH Thesis/Dissertation Uniglobe Library Social Sciences Available Automated teller machine service quality and customer satisfaction in Nepalese commercial banks / Ishan Buddhacharya
Title : Automated teller machine service quality and customer satisfaction in Nepalese commercial banks Material Type: printed text Authors: Ishan Buddhacharya, Author Publication Date: 2014 Pagination: 62p. Size: GRP/Thesis Accompanying material: 2/B General note: Including biblioggraphy Languages : English Descriptors: Customer satisfaction
Banks and banking
Commercial banks
Service qualityKeywords: 'customer customer satisfaction banks bank and banking commerciaql nepal' Class number: 658.812 Abstract: Banks are increasing their technology-based service options to remain competitive. Automated Teller Machine (ATM) is an innovative service delivery mode that offers diversified financial services like cash withdrawal, funds transfer, cash deposits, payment of utility and credit card bills, and other financial enquiries. In most developing economies, the automation of banking services has become a critical factor in the process of attaining efficiency in delivering customer services. Many banks have pursued the development of technology-driven strategies towards meeting customer preferences
This study examines the relationship between customer satisfaction and five service quality dimension namely reliability, responsiveness, ease of use, convenience and security in the context of Nepal. This study also reveals the purpose of using ATM service, major problems encountered by ATM card holders and major factor influencing the service quality of ATM.
This research is based on the primary survey and has involved interpretation of opinions of the respondents ATM service quality and customer satisfaction in Nepalese banks. Public sector commercial bank i.e.Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited and Nepal Bank Limited are selected for survey. And in the case of private sector bank, 18 commercial banks are selected according to joint venture and non joint venture commercial banks out of 28 commercial bank. Different statistical tools like mean, standard deviation, correlation analysis and regression analysis are used for primary data analysis.
The study reveals that reliability; responsiveness and security dimension of ATM service quality has positive and significant relationship with customer satisfaction. However, ease of use and conveniences have positive relationship with customer satisfaction but are not statistically significant. Most of the respondents believe ATM service as the necessity of modern banking and the overall service quality provided by commercial bank is satisfactory.
Automated teller machine service quality and customer satisfaction in Nepalese commercial banks [printed text] / Ishan Buddhacharya, Author . - 2014 . - 62p. ; GRP/Thesis + 2/B.
Including biblioggraphy
Languages : English
Descriptors: Customer satisfaction
Banks and banking
Commercial banks
Service qualityKeywords: 'customer customer satisfaction banks bank and banking commerciaql nepal' Class number: 658.812 Abstract: Banks are increasing their technology-based service options to remain competitive. Automated Teller Machine (ATM) is an innovative service delivery mode that offers diversified financial services like cash withdrawal, funds transfer, cash deposits, payment of utility and credit card bills, and other financial enquiries. In most developing economies, the automation of banking services has become a critical factor in the process of attaining efficiency in delivering customer services. Many banks have pursued the development of technology-driven strategies towards meeting customer preferences
This study examines the relationship between customer satisfaction and five service quality dimension namely reliability, responsiveness, ease of use, convenience and security in the context of Nepal. This study also reveals the purpose of using ATM service, major problems encountered by ATM card holders and major factor influencing the service quality of ATM.
This research is based on the primary survey and has involved interpretation of opinions of the respondents ATM service quality and customer satisfaction in Nepalese banks. Public sector commercial bank i.e.Rastriya Banijya Bank Limited and Nepal Bank Limited are selected for survey. And in the case of private sector bank, 18 commercial banks are selected according to joint venture and non joint venture commercial banks out of 28 commercial bank. Different statistical tools like mean, standard deviation, correlation analysis and regression analysis are used for primary data analysis.
The study reveals that reliability; responsiveness and security dimension of ATM service quality has positive and significant relationship with customer satisfaction. However, ease of use and conveniences have positive relationship with customer satisfaction but are not statistically significant. Most of the respondents believe ATM service as the necessity of modern banking and the overall service quality provided by commercial bank is satisfactory.
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 36/D 658.812 BUD Thesis/Dissertation Uniglobe Library Technology Available Bank attributes and demographic factors in determining customer’s choice: a case of Nepalese commercial banks / Shishir K.C
Title : Bank attributes and demographic factors in determining customer’s choice: a case of Nepalese commercial banks Material Type: printed text Authors: Shishir K.C, Author Publication Date: 2016 Pagination: 77p. Size: GRP/Thesis Accompanying material: 4/B General note: Including bibilography Languages : English Descriptors: Banks
Banks and banking
Customer relations
Customer servicesKeywords: 'customers satisfaction,bank location,social recognition physical facilities' Class number: 332.175 Bank attributes and demographic factors in determining customer’s choice: a case of Nepalese commercial banks [printed text] / Shishir K.C, Author . - 2016 . - 77p. ; GRP/Thesis + 4/B.
Including bibilography
Languages : English
Descriptors: Banks
Banks and banking
Customer relations
Customer servicesKeywords: 'customers satisfaction,bank location,social recognition physical facilities' Class number: 332.175 Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 154/D 332.175 KCS Thesis/Dissertation Uniglobe Library Social Sciences Available Bank capital adequacy ratio: a case study of Nepalese commercial bank / Brij Mohan Shah
Title : Bank capital adequacy ratio: a case study of Nepalese commercial bank Material Type: printed text Authors: Brij Mohan Shah, Author Publication Date: 2017 Layout: 103p. Size: GRP/Thesis Accompanying material: 6/B Languages : English Descriptors: Bank capital
Banks and bankingClass number: 332.1 Abstract: Banking sector being one of the most highly leveraged sectors of any economy, face high risks. In the wake of the introduction of prudential regulation as an integral part of financial sector reforms, there has been a growing debate as to whether capital adequacy requirements are the best means to regulate the banking system (Fatima, 2014). In practice, capital adequacy ratios are involved by financial transactions of the bank such as profit and loss sharing financing and that made it unequal capital standards from time to time or from bank to other, banks must keep capital adequacy at specific minimum level to avoid risks and bankruptcy. Nevertheless, the capital level is determined by the bank requirements, by the risk and by the capital cost. Miller (1958) dealt with the issue of “cost of capital” and showed that under restrictive assumptions it does not matter whether a firm finances itself with a debt or equity financing.
Juca et al. (2012) showed that the banks’ capital structure and its determinants initially concentrated on bank specific characteristics such as size, risk, liquidity, profitability and leverage. Mpuga (2002) argued that the inadequacy of minimum capital standards in accounting for risks in banks assets portfolio could be one of the major factors leading to bank failures. Epstein (2005) studied on capital adequacy failures and concludes that capital adequacy and ratio analysis (CAR) are failed strategies.
The major purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between bank specific and macroeconomic variable with capital ratio in Nepalese commercial banks. The specific objectives are: to analyze the structure and pattern of dependent (capital adequacy ratio and core capital) and independent variables (return on assets, return on equity, deposit and bank size), to identify the effect of return on equity and return on assets on capital ratio, to examine the relationship between deposit and bank size and capital ratio and to examine the relationship between macro-economic factors such as GDP growth, inflation and interest rate on capital ratio of the bank.
This study based on the secondary source of data which were gather for a sample of 20 commercial banks of Nepal within the time period from 2009/10 to 2014/15, leading to the total of 120 observations The secondary data have been obtained from Banking and Financial Statistics and Bank Supervision report published by Nepal Rastra Bank and annual report of selected banks. The research design adopted in this study is descriptive and causal comparative types as it deals with relationship of bank specific and macroeconomic factor like return on assets, return on equity, deposit, bank size, economic growth and inflation rate with CAR (capital adequacy ratio) and CORE (core capital). The statistical methods used in the analysis are descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and regression analysis.
The result revealed that the return on assets and return on equity are positively correlated with capital adequacy ratio. Study reveals that deposits, bank size, economic growth and inflation rate are negatively correlated with capital adequacy ratio. It indicates that higher the deposits, bank size, economic growth and inflation rate, lower would be capital adequacy ratio. The result also shows that return on assets, return on equity and deposits are positively correlated to core capital. Study reveals that bank size, economic growth rate and inflation rate are negatively correlated to core capital. It is revealed that beta coefficient of return on assets is positive with capital adequacy ratio and core capital which indicates that banks having higher return on assets have higher capital adequacy ratio and core capital.
The study concludes that return on assets and return on equity has positive and significant relationship with capital ratio indicating higher the return on assets and return on equity, higher would be the capital adequacy ratio and core capital. Similarly, deposit has negative and significant relationship with the capital adequacy ratio whereas it has positive impacts on the core capital for Nepalese commercial. The study also concludes that bank size has significant negative impact with both capital adequacy ratio and core capital of Nepalese commercial banks indicating higher the bank size; lower will be the capital adequacy ratio and core capital. Similarly, the study also concludes that economic growth and inflation rate has negative and significant impact on the capital adequacy ratio and core capital indicating that higher the economic growth and inflation rate lower would be the capital adequacy ratio and core capital.
Bank capital adequacy ratio: a case study of Nepalese commercial bank [printed text] / Brij Mohan Shah, Author . - 2017 . - : 103p. ; GRP/Thesis + 6/B.
Languages : English
Descriptors: Bank capital
Banks and bankingClass number: 332.1 Abstract: Banking sector being one of the most highly leveraged sectors of any economy, face high risks. In the wake of the introduction of prudential regulation as an integral part of financial sector reforms, there has been a growing debate as to whether capital adequacy requirements are the best means to regulate the banking system (Fatima, 2014). In practice, capital adequacy ratios are involved by financial transactions of the bank such as profit and loss sharing financing and that made it unequal capital standards from time to time or from bank to other, banks must keep capital adequacy at specific minimum level to avoid risks and bankruptcy. Nevertheless, the capital level is determined by the bank requirements, by the risk and by the capital cost. Miller (1958) dealt with the issue of “cost of capital” and showed that under restrictive assumptions it does not matter whether a firm finances itself with a debt or equity financing.
Juca et al. (2012) showed that the banks’ capital structure and its determinants initially concentrated on bank specific characteristics such as size, risk, liquidity, profitability and leverage. Mpuga (2002) argued that the inadequacy of minimum capital standards in accounting for risks in banks assets portfolio could be one of the major factors leading to bank failures. Epstein (2005) studied on capital adequacy failures and concludes that capital adequacy and ratio analysis (CAR) are failed strategies.
The major purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between bank specific and macroeconomic variable with capital ratio in Nepalese commercial banks. The specific objectives are: to analyze the structure and pattern of dependent (capital adequacy ratio and core capital) and independent variables (return on assets, return on equity, deposit and bank size), to identify the effect of return on equity and return on assets on capital ratio, to examine the relationship between deposit and bank size and capital ratio and to examine the relationship between macro-economic factors such as GDP growth, inflation and interest rate on capital ratio of the bank.
This study based on the secondary source of data which were gather for a sample of 20 commercial banks of Nepal within the time period from 2009/10 to 2014/15, leading to the total of 120 observations The secondary data have been obtained from Banking and Financial Statistics and Bank Supervision report published by Nepal Rastra Bank and annual report of selected banks. The research design adopted in this study is descriptive and causal comparative types as it deals with relationship of bank specific and macroeconomic factor like return on assets, return on equity, deposit, bank size, economic growth and inflation rate with CAR (capital adequacy ratio) and CORE (core capital). The statistical methods used in the analysis are descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and regression analysis.
The result revealed that the return on assets and return on equity are positively correlated with capital adequacy ratio. Study reveals that deposits, bank size, economic growth and inflation rate are negatively correlated with capital adequacy ratio. It indicates that higher the deposits, bank size, economic growth and inflation rate, lower would be capital adequacy ratio. The result also shows that return on assets, return on equity and deposits are positively correlated to core capital. Study reveals that bank size, economic growth rate and inflation rate are negatively correlated to core capital. It is revealed that beta coefficient of return on assets is positive with capital adequacy ratio and core capital which indicates that banks having higher return on assets have higher capital adequacy ratio and core capital.
The study concludes that return on assets and return on equity has positive and significant relationship with capital ratio indicating higher the return on assets and return on equity, higher would be the capital adequacy ratio and core capital. Similarly, deposit has negative and significant relationship with the capital adequacy ratio whereas it has positive impacts on the core capital for Nepalese commercial. The study also concludes that bank size has significant negative impact with both capital adequacy ratio and core capital of Nepalese commercial banks indicating higher the bank size; lower will be the capital adequacy ratio and core capital. Similarly, the study also concludes that economic growth and inflation rate has negative and significant impact on the capital adequacy ratio and core capital indicating that higher the economic growth and inflation rate lower would be the capital adequacy ratio and core capital.
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 349/D 332.1 SHA Thesis/Dissertation Uniglobe Library Social Sciences Available Bank management and financial services / Rose, Peter S. ; Hudging, Sylvia C.
Title : Bank management and financial services Material Type: printed text Authors: Rose, Peter S., Author ; Hudging, Sylvia C., Author Edition statement: 7th ed Publisher: Delhi: Mc-Graw Hill Publication Date: 2013 Pagination: 722p Size: Books Price: Rs.880 Languages : English Descriptors: Bank Management.
Banks and bankingKeywords: 'bank management banks and banking' Class number: 332.106 Bank management and financial services [printed text] / Rose, Peter S., Author ; Hudging, Sylvia C., Author . - 7th ed . - [S.l.] : Delhi: Mc-Graw Hill, 2013 . - 722p ; Books.
Languages : English
Descriptors: Bank Management.
Banks and bankingKeywords: 'bank management banks and banking' Class number: 332.106 Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 4656 332.106 ROS Books Uniglobe Library Social Sciences Available 4657 332.106 ROS Books Uniglobe Library Social Sciences Available 4658 332.106 ROS Books Uniglobe Library Social Sciences Available 4659 332.106 ROS Books Uniglobe Library Social Sciences Available 4660 332.106 ROS Books Uniglobe Library Social Sciences Available Bank management and financial services / Rose, Peter S.
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