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Effects of relational capital on firm performance : a case of Nepalese insurance companies / Uddav Dev Joshi
Title : Effects of relational capital on firm performance : a case of Nepalese insurance companies Material Type: printed text Authors: Uddav Dev Joshi, Author Publication Date: 2018 Pagination: 90p. Size: GRP/Thesis Accompanying material: 11/B Languages : English Descriptors: Intellectual capital Class number: 370 Abstract: The relational capital is the most difficult of the three subcategories of intellectual capital to develop, since it is the most external part to the organizations core. Relational capital is a non-exclusive property of the firm. This implies that it is even more important to consider an approach towards a high awareness of the relational capital of an organization (Castro et al., 2004). Relational capital can contribute to the economic development and to the interaction with society. In addition to all the points mentioned, relational capital also cover image, loyalty, satisfaction, commercial power, environmental activities and so on. In short, it covers everything that might be connected externally to the company, and it is the connected value with the external world (Meritum, 2002).
The major purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between relational capital and performance of Nepalese insurance industry. The specific objectives are: to analyze the impact of customer capital, supplier capital, employee capital, investor capital and community capital on the return on assets and market share of Nepalese insurance companies.
This study is based on the comparative analysis of the relationship between relational capital and firm performance of Nepalese insurance companies. This study has considered customer capital, supplier capital, employee capital, investor capital and community capital as relational capital variables. The performance variables are return on assets and market share. The dummy variable is nature of insurance. This study is based on primary and secondary sources of data. The primary sources of data have been used to assess the opinion of respondents with respect to relational capital regarding the Nepalese insurance companies. The questionnaire survey has been conducted to know the opinions of employees regardingcustomer capital, supplier capital, employee capital, investor capital and community capital as relational capital variables. A set of questionnaire was prepared and distributed to the employees of Nepalese insurance companies. The questions were designed to get the views, related information from the respondents. Data were collected using well formulated questionnaires. The questionnaires were self-adjusted, validated and pre-tested. The respondents represent employees of 7 life insurance companies and 10 nonlife insurance companies of Nepal and total of 250 questionnaires were collected. The secondary data were collected for the period of 2009/10 to 2015/16. The main sources of data are insurance statistics published by Insurance Board of Nepal, annual reports of different insurance companies, and supervision report of insurance board of Nepal. Primary and secondary data are analyzed using the SPSS package. The primary and secondary sources of data have been employed to understand and analyze the impact of relational capital components on performance of Nepalese insurance companies.
Out of total respondents, the majority of respondents (54.80 percent) were male and the rest were female (45.2 percent). In terms of education level, majority of the respondents (50 percent) are graduate followed by post graduate (31.2 percent), where under graduates are (16.8 percent) and intermediate level are (2 percent).Regarding to year of experience on job, the highest of the respondents (34.8 percent) have 5 to 10 years.In term of designation, the higher portion of the respondents (42 percent) by job position of officer.
The result shows that SGIC has highest average return on assets (24.78 percent) and NLIC has highest average market share (16.21 percent) among selected Nepalese insurance companies over the study period. The results revealed that LIC (Nepal) has lowest fluctuation on ROA, likewise NLIC has lowest fluctuation on MS over the study period for the Nepalese insurance companies. The study also revealed that when the return on assets is compared over a period of time, it is noticed that in average ROA is in decreasing trend whereas average MS is in increasing trend over the study period for the Nepalese insurance companies.
The descriptive statistics of the study shows that the average return on assets is 10.542 percent, market share is 10.391 percent, average customer capital is 4, average supplier capital is 4, average employee capital is 4, average investor capital is 4 and average community capital is 4. The correlation matrix of the study reveals that employee capital, investor capital and community capital are positively correlated to return on assets while customer capital and supplier capital are negatively correlated to return on assets. However, the correlation matrix reveals that and customer capital, supplier capital and community capital are positively correlated to market share while employee capital and investor capital are negatively correlated to market share. The regression analysis reveals that employee capital, investor capital and community capital have positive impact on return on assets whereas customer capital and supplier capital have negative impact on return on assets for Nepalese insurance companies. The result also reveals that customer capital, supplier capital and community capital have positive impact on market share whereas employee capital, investor capital have negative impact on market share for Nepalese insurance companies.
The major conclusion of this study is that relational capital has a positive relationship with firm performance in Nepalese insurance companies. However, when relational capital is split into its components, the relationships between these components and insurance performance indicators vary. The study concludes that among the relational capital components, customer capital and employee capital are the most dominant variable that affects the performance of the insurances. The insurances have given more importance to customer capital and employee capital over supplier capital, investor capital and community capital. Therefore, Insurance should have to give more priority to maintaining good relation with customer by providing superior service. Likewise, the insurance sector is a service sector where its customer services rely heavily on employee capital. Therefore, insurance should have to give more priority to investment in employee capital to gain competitive advantage and continue to survive in the industry.
Effects of relational capital on firm performance : a case of Nepalese insurance companies [printed text] / Uddav Dev Joshi, Author . - 2018 . - 90p. ; GRP/Thesis + 11/B.
Languages : English
Descriptors: Intellectual capital Class number: 370 Abstract: The relational capital is the most difficult of the three subcategories of intellectual capital to develop, since it is the most external part to the organizations core. Relational capital is a non-exclusive property of the firm. This implies that it is even more important to consider an approach towards a high awareness of the relational capital of an organization (Castro et al., 2004). Relational capital can contribute to the economic development and to the interaction with society. In addition to all the points mentioned, relational capital also cover image, loyalty, satisfaction, commercial power, environmental activities and so on. In short, it covers everything that might be connected externally to the company, and it is the connected value with the external world (Meritum, 2002).
The major purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between relational capital and performance of Nepalese insurance industry. The specific objectives are: to analyze the impact of customer capital, supplier capital, employee capital, investor capital and community capital on the return on assets and market share of Nepalese insurance companies.
This study is based on the comparative analysis of the relationship between relational capital and firm performance of Nepalese insurance companies. This study has considered customer capital, supplier capital, employee capital, investor capital and community capital as relational capital variables. The performance variables are return on assets and market share. The dummy variable is nature of insurance. This study is based on primary and secondary sources of data. The primary sources of data have been used to assess the opinion of respondents with respect to relational capital regarding the Nepalese insurance companies. The questionnaire survey has been conducted to know the opinions of employees regardingcustomer capital, supplier capital, employee capital, investor capital and community capital as relational capital variables. A set of questionnaire was prepared and distributed to the employees of Nepalese insurance companies. The questions were designed to get the views, related information from the respondents. Data were collected using well formulated questionnaires. The questionnaires were self-adjusted, validated and pre-tested. The respondents represent employees of 7 life insurance companies and 10 nonlife insurance companies of Nepal and total of 250 questionnaires were collected. The secondary data were collected for the period of 2009/10 to 2015/16. The main sources of data are insurance statistics published by Insurance Board of Nepal, annual reports of different insurance companies, and supervision report of insurance board of Nepal. Primary and secondary data are analyzed using the SPSS package. The primary and secondary sources of data have been employed to understand and analyze the impact of relational capital components on performance of Nepalese insurance companies.
Out of total respondents, the majority of respondents (54.80 percent) were male and the rest were female (45.2 percent). In terms of education level, majority of the respondents (50 percent) are graduate followed by post graduate (31.2 percent), where under graduates are (16.8 percent) and intermediate level are (2 percent).Regarding to year of experience on job, the highest of the respondents (34.8 percent) have 5 to 10 years.In term of designation, the higher portion of the respondents (42 percent) by job position of officer.
The result shows that SGIC has highest average return on assets (24.78 percent) and NLIC has highest average market share (16.21 percent) among selected Nepalese insurance companies over the study period. The results revealed that LIC (Nepal) has lowest fluctuation on ROA, likewise NLIC has lowest fluctuation on MS over the study period for the Nepalese insurance companies. The study also revealed that when the return on assets is compared over a period of time, it is noticed that in average ROA is in decreasing trend whereas average MS is in increasing trend over the study period for the Nepalese insurance companies.
The descriptive statistics of the study shows that the average return on assets is 10.542 percent, market share is 10.391 percent, average customer capital is 4, average supplier capital is 4, average employee capital is 4, average investor capital is 4 and average community capital is 4. The correlation matrix of the study reveals that employee capital, investor capital and community capital are positively correlated to return on assets while customer capital and supplier capital are negatively correlated to return on assets. However, the correlation matrix reveals that and customer capital, supplier capital and community capital are positively correlated to market share while employee capital and investor capital are negatively correlated to market share. The regression analysis reveals that employee capital, investor capital and community capital have positive impact on return on assets whereas customer capital and supplier capital have negative impact on return on assets for Nepalese insurance companies. The result also reveals that customer capital, supplier capital and community capital have positive impact on market share whereas employee capital, investor capital have negative impact on market share for Nepalese insurance companies.
The major conclusion of this study is that relational capital has a positive relationship with firm performance in Nepalese insurance companies. However, when relational capital is split into its components, the relationships between these components and insurance performance indicators vary. The study concludes that among the relational capital components, customer capital and employee capital are the most dominant variable that affects the performance of the insurances. The insurances have given more importance to customer capital and employee capital over supplier capital, investor capital and community capital. Therefore, Insurance should have to give more priority to maintaining good relation with customer by providing superior service. Likewise, the insurance sector is a service sector where its customer services rely heavily on employee capital. Therefore, insurance should have to give more priority to investment in employee capital to gain competitive advantage and continue to survive in the industry.
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 451/D 370 JOS Books Uniglobe Library Social Sciences Available Financial literacy in Nepal: a survey analysis from adults in Kathmandu valley / Baburam Subedi
Title : Financial literacy in Nepal: a survey analysis from adults in Kathmandu valley Material Type: printed text Authors: Baburam Subedi, Author Publication Date: 2016 Pagination: 58p. Size: GRP/Thesis Accompanying material: 5/B General note: Including bibilography Languages : English Descriptors: Consumer education
Financial literacyKeywords: 'literacy consumer education consumer protection education' Class number: 370 Abstract: Financial literacy is a core life skill for participating in modern society. The dynamism of society is constantly changing with the increment of business and financial activities. Over the past two decades, interest in financial literacy and its improvement has increased massively worldwide. It also involves intimate knowledge of financial concepts like compound interest, financial planning, the mechanics of a credit card, advantageous savings methods, consumer rights, time value of money, etc. In a sum, it is the possession of knowledge and understanding of financial matters for better well-being in life. Being new concept, financial literacy is very relevant to Nepal's at present. Those who are less financially literate are more likely to have problems with debt and to engage in high-cost loans from moneylenders, while they are less likely to save or to plan their finances for the future. A review of research on financial literacy shows that financial literacy is utmost necessary uplift people from poverty situation. Financial literacy is most important to break down the border line of low financial access and awareness. It is compulsory for every individuals of society. Moreover, it play significant role to improve the demand of financial services in country and helps to minimize the risks and uncertainty related to entrepreneurship and business transaction.
The importance of financial education in Nepal has increased in recent years as a result of financial market developments and demographic, economic and policy changes. Financial markets are becoming more sophisticated, and new products are being continuously offered. Consumers now have greater access to a variety of credit and saving instruments provided by a range of entities from online banks and brokerage firms to community-based groups. As a result of changes being introduced in pension arrangements, an increasing number of workers will be assuming more responsibility for saving for their retirement. With the increase in life expectancy, individuals will need to ensure that they have adequate savings for the longer period they can expect to spend in retirement. More importantly, the excessive inflow remittance and high expenditure on consumption emphasizes the urgent need of financial literacy in Nepal. This study examines the factors affecting the level of financial literacy in Nepal covering financial knowledge, behavior and attitudes relating to various aspects of financial literacy including budgeting and money management, short and long term financial plans, and financial product choice.
The main issue of the study is to analyze the level of financial literacy in adults of Kathmandu valley.
The main purpose of the study is to examine the level of financial literacy in adults of Kathmandu valley. More specifically, it examines the impact of gender, age, occupation, income, education, behavior, influence, and attitudes on level of financial knowledge of adults. The study is based on the survey data which were collected from the 478 respondents of three districts. Stratified random sampling method was used to collect data from Kathmandu valley i.e. Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, and Lalitpur. A structured questionnaire was constructed covering five areas namely personal information of respondents, financial behavior, financial influence, financial attitude and financial knowledge. Including demographic information, survey participants were asked 73 question of financial knowledge and opinion of different aspects of financial literacy. Questionnaires were prepared in both Nepali and English medium and authors distributed as per request of respondents. For the fact finding of the study primary data was analyzed by using descriptive analysis, ANOVA analysis, correlation analysis and logistic regression.
The major conclusion of this study is that there is positive relationship between demographic characteristic i.e. age, income, occupation and financial knowledge. Likewise, there is positive relationship between personality characteristic i.e. behavior, influence, attitude and financial knowledge. It implies that enhanced in behavior, attitude, and influence of adults can increase level of financial knowledge of respondents. The study found adults of Kathmandu valley are more familiar and knowledgeable in net worth, share market, insurance, banks, taxes and credits in-compare to financial numeracy, compound interest, discount, time value of money and inflation. Adults prefer to save in bank accounts instead of buying physical good & consumer goods in case of excess money they have. It was also found that adults with different demographic background such as age, education, occupation, income, location, marital status and personality characteristics like financial behavior, financial attitudes, and financial influence have different level of financial knowledge among adults of Kathmandu valley.
Recommendations are given on the basis of the finding of study. The study found the higher level of financial knowledge in advance finance compare to basic level of finance. Thus for the future study academicians are suggested to carry similar research using similar dependent and independent variable.Financial literacy in Nepal: a survey analysis from adults in Kathmandu valley [printed text] / Baburam Subedi, Author . - 2016 . - 58p. ; GRP/Thesis + 5/B.
Including bibilography
Languages : English
Descriptors: Consumer education
Financial literacyKeywords: 'literacy consumer education consumer protection education' Class number: 370 Abstract: Financial literacy is a core life skill for participating in modern society. The dynamism of society is constantly changing with the increment of business and financial activities. Over the past two decades, interest in financial literacy and its improvement has increased massively worldwide. It also involves intimate knowledge of financial concepts like compound interest, financial planning, the mechanics of a credit card, advantageous savings methods, consumer rights, time value of money, etc. In a sum, it is the possession of knowledge and understanding of financial matters for better well-being in life. Being new concept, financial literacy is very relevant to Nepal's at present. Those who are less financially literate are more likely to have problems with debt and to engage in high-cost loans from moneylenders, while they are less likely to save or to plan their finances for the future. A review of research on financial literacy shows that financial literacy is utmost necessary uplift people from poverty situation. Financial literacy is most important to break down the border line of low financial access and awareness. It is compulsory for every individuals of society. Moreover, it play significant role to improve the demand of financial services in country and helps to minimize the risks and uncertainty related to entrepreneurship and business transaction.
The importance of financial education in Nepal has increased in recent years as a result of financial market developments and demographic, economic and policy changes. Financial markets are becoming more sophisticated, and new products are being continuously offered. Consumers now have greater access to a variety of credit and saving instruments provided by a range of entities from online banks and brokerage firms to community-based groups. As a result of changes being introduced in pension arrangements, an increasing number of workers will be assuming more responsibility for saving for their retirement. With the increase in life expectancy, individuals will need to ensure that they have adequate savings for the longer period they can expect to spend in retirement. More importantly, the excessive inflow remittance and high expenditure on consumption emphasizes the urgent need of financial literacy in Nepal. This study examines the factors affecting the level of financial literacy in Nepal covering financial knowledge, behavior and attitudes relating to various aspects of financial literacy including budgeting and money management, short and long term financial plans, and financial product choice.
The main issue of the study is to analyze the level of financial literacy in adults of Kathmandu valley.
The main purpose of the study is to examine the level of financial literacy in adults of Kathmandu valley. More specifically, it examines the impact of gender, age, occupation, income, education, behavior, influence, and attitudes on level of financial knowledge of adults. The study is based on the survey data which were collected from the 478 respondents of three districts. Stratified random sampling method was used to collect data from Kathmandu valley i.e. Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, and Lalitpur. A structured questionnaire was constructed covering five areas namely personal information of respondents, financial behavior, financial influence, financial attitude and financial knowledge. Including demographic information, survey participants were asked 73 question of financial knowledge and opinion of different aspects of financial literacy. Questionnaires were prepared in both Nepali and English medium and authors distributed as per request of respondents. For the fact finding of the study primary data was analyzed by using descriptive analysis, ANOVA analysis, correlation analysis and logistic regression.
The major conclusion of this study is that there is positive relationship between demographic characteristic i.e. age, income, occupation and financial knowledge. Likewise, there is positive relationship between personality characteristic i.e. behavior, influence, attitude and financial knowledge. It implies that enhanced in behavior, attitude, and influence of adults can increase level of financial knowledge of respondents. The study found adults of Kathmandu valley are more familiar and knowledgeable in net worth, share market, insurance, banks, taxes and credits in-compare to financial numeracy, compound interest, discount, time value of money and inflation. Adults prefer to save in bank accounts instead of buying physical good & consumer goods in case of excess money they have. It was also found that adults with different demographic background such as age, education, occupation, income, location, marital status and personality characteristics like financial behavior, financial attitudes, and financial influence have different level of financial knowledge among adults of Kathmandu valley.
Recommendations are given on the basis of the finding of study. The study found the higher level of financial knowledge in advance finance compare to basic level of finance. Thus for the future study academicians are suggested to carry similar research using similar dependent and independent variable.Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 234/D 370 SUB Thesis/Dissertation Uniglobe Library Social Sciences Available शैिक नाटक saichika natak / श्यामदास बैश्णब
Title : शैिक नाटक saichika natak Material Type: printed text Authors: श्यामदास बैश्णब, Author Publisher: काठमाणडैा Publication Date: 2068 Pagination: 177p. Size: Book Price: Rs. 250 Languages : English Descriptors: नाटक
शैिक्षक नाटकKeywords: शैक्षिक नाटक Class number: 370 शैिक नाटक saichika natak [printed text] / श्यामदास बैश्णब, Author . - [S.l.] : काठमाणडैा, 2068 . - 177p. ; Book.
Rs. 250
Languages : English
Descriptors: नाटक
शैिक्षक नाटकKeywords: शैक्षिक नाटक Class number: 370 Hold
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Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 3128 370 शयम Books Uniglobe Library Social Sciences Available